Picking up from last time we have a site that runs fine locally; now its time to throw it up on github; there are however a couple of gotchas.
... something something inspirational but not too trite should go here.
Picking up from last time we have a site that runs fine locally; now its time to throw it up on github; there are however a couple of gotchas.
Picking up from last time we have a dirt simple hugo site; applying a simple theme, now we are going to maake a couple of customisations to the template.
This will be the first post in a short series about getting started with hugo. By the end of this you will have a _dead simple_ proof of concept site which we will build on in later posts.
This will be the first post in a short series about getting started with hugo. By the end of this you will have a dead simple proof of concept site which we will build on in later posts.